
Welcome to my blog. I impart my advice on how to be bold and be original. Hope you are encouraged!

6 Reasons Why You Need a Degree

6 Reasons Why You Need a Degree

In western societies such as the U.S, college is a stepping stone that opens up doors to more opportunities for you. Some people choose not to go to college due to financial limitations, personal circumstances or because they don't know what to study. This post is geared towards those who don't know what to study, I want to encourage you to further your education despite your career uncertainty. 

It's wise to hold off on college if you don't know what your'e interested in, but I would argue that you should still go to college anyway. It's easy to get stuck in that state of uncertainty, you might take a semester of, then that semester will turn into 5 years before you know it. I acknowledge that college isn't for everyone, but I think it's important, especially for those in minority groups to attain a college degree and here's why: 

1. You can learn more about what you like

In college your'e exposed to new things that broaden your mindset (but don't do drugs). If you are unsure about what you want to study, then study something you're interested in. If you like photography, music, fashion, business or interested in human behavior, then study that. No one says you have to get a degree in something you hate. 

2. A degree elevates your status

I'm not implying that people without college degrees are not of high status, but we live a society that respects those who are more educated. There are few people who become successful without academic achievements, but the majority of society is suffering through this tough economy. One sure way to change your social status is by getting a degree. 

3. Better job opportunities

Our society requires a college degree as a gatekeeping method. Gatekeeping is the activity of controlling, and usually limiting, general access to something (google). Without at least an Associate Degree, you only have access to a minimum wage job, unless you make money using your talent/gift. I always wondered why certain people don't just get better jobs and change their financial situation, until I realized that people without a college degree only qualify for certain jobs. A degree is literally the difference between $8 - $15 an hour pay to a $20,000 - $40,000 salery with benefits. Depending on the type of degree you get, you can make up to $60,000 a year. 

4. Acess to resources

When you pay tuition, it covers services like a free gym, free Microsoft software, and free equipment. In college I had free access to a DSLR Canon Camera, the Recording studio, Photography Studio and Photoshop software. You can rent a room for free at your school, or use their buses for trips. You also get many discounts at local places like the movies, fast food restaurants and other businesses. One time I even got a cheap oil change, lol. 

5. Meet new people

While in college, I got the opportunity to meet people that I normally wound't meet. Typically people run around in the same circles, but college is one of the few places where you're surrounded by people of different races, ethnicities and socio=-economic statuses (depending on where you go). This is perfect for creative collaborations, networking or just making new friends. 

6. You can still pursue your dreams

I know many people who attended college but worked on their small business, ran an organization, made music, or hosted shows on the side. Being in college doesn't mean your creative life has to stop. It will require a lot of hard work and time management, but it's not impossible.

Email me or comment below if you have any questions or opinions

Stay original loves 

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